Thursday, October 8, 2009

One month

Well its been one month since I got here and everyday is a little different. There has been times that I have been homesick here but more and more everyday I am beginning to meld with my surroundings.

What is true however is the state of the economy here. It is shit, there are hardly any jobs for people here and the ones that exist are seeing massive cut backs. My focus however is undaunted and my school is wonderfull so far. I owe a lot to JaNelle, she has been the most amazing person to help acclimate to this place and I give her all the credit in the world.

A month is not a long time at all but I feel a small bit of accomplishment for not completely breaking down. I can do this, i can make it here. I refuse to accept defeat in this place.

When i return to Texas for the holidays I expect to be a different person that when i left, but that is entirely what this is about. Discovering ones self is the most important task one can set upon. After a couple months of uncertainty and acclemation I am beginning to enjoy life here. I hope that I continue to grow as a person here and complete the goals i have set for myself.

My head is down , my hands are strong, humble and hungry.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Keep the homefires burning

Good news! The fires in the hills look to be kinda of, sort of, maybe, a little under control? The air is beginning to clear and i am beginning to settle into my new life here. Both are going slow.

As I'm sure you know because you are taking the time to read it, the name of my blog is Hollywood beer pong. I have indeed played beer pong since arriving out here and i am pleased report total domination!! Did you expect anything less? I hope not and I hope to continue such as time goes on. I'm not Mr Miyagi, but these kids will be calling me sensai after its all said and done.

While on the subject of Asians, they are everywhere here. Asian Americans though, not just immigrants here to attain citizenship or money for home. Los Angeles is the gateway to the east and a lot of the Asians i have met were born here and have grown up here. The Asians here are the kind that will talk to you and look you in the eye, not the kind that just ask what kind of drink you want with your buffet and then talk shit in their language about you going for a sixth round. Bitches.

Right, so La is a little hard to navigate and they put "the" in front of every highway out here. Im not sure why, probably the whole pretentious thing applying to the roads themselves. Its going to take me a little while to figure this place out but that's the case for anywhere. If I got dropped in the middle of lufkin for a while it would take me a couple weeks to figure it out. However i will point out that lufkin has a loop and this smoky bird does not.

Im hanging in there but I miss my friends everyday. My purpose here keeps me going. I have met alot of cool people so far but no real friends of my own. Hopefully this will change over time and I can be a little more independent out here.

In the meantime holla at your boy and keep me in touch with you and whats going on. KEEP THE HOMEFIRES BURNING FOR ME!

I love you

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hold up

Long week, The number of miles i have driven to get to Los Angeles are upwards of 1700. This City is burning. I wish i could explain to you how awesome and loathsome my trip was but i have to burn on the burning. The hills of Los Angeles are burning out of control. Let me emphasize "OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL". Four days ago they said the fire was 45% contained, then it went down to 5, since it has been zero. They should never used the word "contain" to describe something that is clearly nowhere close.

The air quality is the real problem with me, im not scared of ever actually being evacuated because of where i live. Please dont confuse this statement with one that discounts the people that are actually facing destruction of terribly over priced real estate. I feel for them incredidably. I just detest going outside and that was going to be the best part about living here. Anyways while im clogging my lungs with toxic smoke i hope that everyone is doing great.

Give me a little bit and i will post pics and stories about my trip here. In the mean time i hope to have better news about the fires out here. I would like to boast that i went to disc golf heaven last night and despite the terrible air quality it was amazing. Shot par whilst drinking the whole time and played with two pros, electric! Pray for the people the hills, get back in soon. For more on the fires here : LA FIRES

Friday, August 7, 2009

Whoa time, relax homey.

Time keeps on ticking into the future. These timeless lyrics by Steve Miller are the first thing that comes to my head as I continue my decent into a personal western maelstrom. My friends have been supportive for the most part and i am fortunate to know such magnificent people.

A week ago if you would have asked, i would have told you that the days couldn't go by fast enough.
Predictably though, the days have begun outrun me. I am trying to fit a lot things in a short period and i can envision time itself passing me up, as if a runner in a race.

The closest thing I have to grandparents went to dinner with me tonight. They showed the kind of compassion, concern, and well wishing that leads one to sigh from the emotional warmth. Not having grandparents for some time has lead me to cherish every minute of their time, especially time they decide to devote to me, like tonight. I am so thankful for them and would strongly suggest you spend time with your elders as much as you can, they possess the type of wisdom about your background that you can gain from no other outlet.

I gave my snake away today, not nearly as emotional as the dinner but equally landmark when i give a seven year pet away. When i left C.S. i gave away my Astro's beer pong table (best pic available) Now, leaving Houston I am giving away my pet snake. Both of these sacrifices can be seen as maturation and conformist. I will have you know I am neither of those two things, thank you very much.

Last day of work was tough, when you spend as much time as I did with those people you really feel the seperation, this is natural with anything. The next four days are going to be crazy, please pray that i do not get sued.

I love you

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Im moving to Los Angeles California

Let this first post be a notice and a thank you. I am heading out I-10 west to sunny California at the end of August. I am going not only because of the adventure but because if you want something you have to go get it. I will miss my friends more than words can express and my love of Houston and College Station will only get stronger as i find myself in the land of fruit and nuts. It is a much larger world these days with the web and social networking sites, so i hope to not lose contact with anyone for any reason.

There are some things in life that you just have to do and this is one of those things. I understand that my risk for failure in this endeavor is high. I go with clear focus and goals. Should i not be able to achieve my directives than i will come crawling back to Houston and will allow everyone at least one shot to my nuts for being an idiot. I don't feel like or plan on that being the outcome obviously, but it IS the boulevard of broken dreams.

I want to thank all of my friends that are reading this now, your comradeship and insight has made me better as a person. I wake up everyday thankful for the friends i have and the choices i have made in keeping them in my life. In leaving Houston i leave my family and my sports teams. Anyone who knows me is aware that the two are synonymous which each other. I cannot stay away forever and my dearest hope is to return home with a rounder perception, education and career direction.

My father is coming with me on my trip out west. We will have a couple pit stops in Vegas and the Grand Canyon before finally landing in Southern California. I will keep the blog updated with photos, videos and stories from my travels. I might have a little going away party before i leave, or i might disappear in to the sunset quietly. I have not decided. I will let everyone know.

I love you